Big Mouth's Basement

welcome to my pad...ok, my basement LoL! I must stress that im a vulgar individual that lacks tact and common sense. chances are something on this site will eventually offend you... and thats, ok. This is where i come to speak my mind, share a lil bit of my insanity and basically...relax my BIG brain and run my mouth about useless topics.

Location: Canada

Here is the deal. I love to STIR the SHIT POT lol. Sometimes I like to write poetry, sometimes I like to share some deep inner thoughts -BUT- for the mostpart, I just like to brainstorm...that's why I love being a BIG MOUTH. What I like even more is FEEDBACK. Please leave a comment and I would love to have some spirited discussion on any topic, then CRUSH you with my BIG BRAIN! So check out the blog, stay awhile and come back often. Have a great time - eat dirt. all material is copywrited.

Monday, September 11, 2006

9-11-5 years later.

Today is the 5th anniversary of the September 11th attacks. I remember the date well... I rarely fall asleep with the television on, the night of September 10th that wasn't the case. If anything, if I fall asleep watching TV, its on sports highlights. Again, this wasn't the case this night.

I wake up in the basement the morning of September 11th, the TV was on... oddly enough, it was on NBC. Not the SCORE (a sports highilght reel program) that the television would usually be on if I were to accidentally fall asleep. My first recollection is seeing a burning building on the screen. Talk of the world trade centre and nobody was really sure to exactly how the WTC ended up in the state it was. I was just like everyone else, amazed... a sense of awe, more so... a surreal feeling. It was like i was watching a movie, never seeing something of this magnitude on television before... or maybe it was more the fact that you were watching this unfold, u were there and everything was being shot live...the ULTIMATE reality show.

I know for a fact that I was watching the story unfold still when the second plane hit the second of the twin towers. But for the life of me, I can't recall the image in my mind. I remember images that were captured on tape that started to come in the hours after, but as far as the initial impact, I draw a blank...even right now.

5 years later, the people killed in the 9/11 attacks are still dead... now we are sending soldiers overseas to suffer the same fate. Lord knows how many innocent people have been killed on both sides, we probably won't find out for decades, thats if, of course...we still aren't occupying their country.

Everyone wanting to go to war to Everyone just wanting our troops to come home. The mad man isn't being chased, the Mad mad is being followed....George Bush.

I'm a Canadian, and pround of it... I wish the best for our troops and everyone involved in the war effort. I support them 1oo %, but i DO NOT support this war. The American Government completely disregarded all due process for enguaging in war and flat out LIED about weapons of mass destruction, and all for PERSONAL GAIN.

Many more people involved in this war have died then the people in the WTC attacks, I'm thinking thats a pretty good sign to give this effort a rest, before anymore people R.I.P.

Just a thought.

Big Mouth.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This one hit pretty close to home, I agree that they should be comming home, trust me, I want mine to come home now. But unfortunately I think that we have pissed them off enough that I think that they would follow and we would have another 911 on our hands.

Monday, September 25, 2006 8:15:00 PM  

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