Big Mouth's Basement

welcome to my pad...ok, my basement LoL! I must stress that im a vulgar individual that lacks tact and common sense. chances are something on this site will eventually offend you... and thats, ok. This is where i come to speak my mind, share a lil bit of my insanity and basically...relax my BIG brain and run my mouth about useless topics.

Location: Canada

Here is the deal. I love to STIR the SHIT POT lol. Sometimes I like to write poetry, sometimes I like to share some deep inner thoughts -BUT- for the mostpart, I just like to brainstorm...that's why I love being a BIG MOUTH. What I like even more is FEEDBACK. Please leave a comment and I would love to have some spirited discussion on any topic, then CRUSH you with my BIG BRAIN! So check out the blog, stay awhile and come back often. Have a great time - eat dirt. all material is copywrited.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Keep it positive....

Here is something I have noticed in the last lil while, a lot of people…are flat out whiney little Bi@tches. Life is NEVER good, if it is…its for a fraction of a second before they are complaining about something else. Now don’t get me wrong, anyone that knows me personally, knows that I’m a cynic, BUT…I do try to see the positive in things. All one has to do is CHOOSE to not let things GET THEM DOWN. I went thru a rough stint recently, and yes…I was bummed, really fu@king bummed. I stayed like that for about a full day, then thought to myself…why am I allowing myself to act in this fashion? Naturally, things in life are going to upset you, but that doesn’t mean you have to walk with your head down, mope and be miserable.

I get down just like everyone else, and by no means am I saying that I’m the example of how to live ones life…but when the shit hits the fan, I think about all the things in life that I’m thankful for. Like a loving mother and father, my ability to see, smell, touch and taste…I’m able bodied, I have good friends…my ability to write and influence people. Maybe it’s a nice day outside, a funny movie, kids making a snowman…there are no soldiers on our streets armed with automatic weapons, all my friends woke up this morning to live another day…this process is endless, when I think of such things, I cant help it but to smile J so why do so many people let ONE thing in life, completely bum them out…for so long, repeatedly.

Ill conclude with this example: negative msn headings. Its not enough that you are feeling shitty, so what do you do…REINFORCE that negativity by putting it up in print…furthermore, sharing your misery with everyone else. DON’T DO THAT TO YOURSELF. Instead, put down something that makes you HAPPY, isn’t that a lot more pleasant than your negative feelings? Just a thought.

Living is a process. There is good and there is bad… its important to acknowledge the good like EVERYONE does, then even when its bad, search out the good in that as well.


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